Once upon a time in a small community nestled to River Benue, there lived two brothers, Abubakae and Yusuf. They were inseparable and shared a deep bond that was admired by all who knew them. THE TWO BROTHERS Yusuf the junior brother, was wise and patient, always seeking knowledge. He was known for his gentle demeanor and compassion toward all living beings. Abubakar on the other hand, was adventurous and full of energy. He loved exploring the world around him and had a mischievous sense of humor. Yusuf Abubakar Their father, taught his sons the art of forging. One day, a messenger arrived in the village, spreading the news of a faraway kingdom where a grand competition was being held. The king was seeking the next young talented promoter and had offered a handsome reward for the winner. Yusuf saw this as an opportunity to pursue his dreams and showcase his talent. Abubakar, eager for adventure, convinced Yusuf to participate and promised to be his loyal companion. The two Brother...